
This is a blog that I originally created (actually re-created) to post blogs that I use for learning stuff for my job and just Linux in general. But I don’t want to create a bunch of different blog sites so it’s all getting tossed into here.

I jokingly say these are not for reading. These are for laying down and avoiding.

I found over time that I get a deeper understanding of things when I turn it into a research project. The process of writing it out, re-reading and editing helps me work through it in (what I believe) a better way.

I post the blogs publicly more for fact checking and for the chance someone else might find it entertaining.

My Disclaimer is this:

I sometimes use strong language and adult humor. I may post political views, personal views and opinions that you may disagree with. This in NOT, I repeat NOT a forum for conspiracy theories or blasting rhetoric. I 100% control this site and it’s my free speech. Don’t like it, get your own goddamn server and create your own fucking website. At the very least don’t read it and go somewhere else. This ain’t Tik Tok, Facebook or X. I don’t have to give you shit. This is my lawn!!

If I get a fact wrong or reference it incorrectly, I am open to hear a intelligent rebuttal. I am also open to hear a coherent contrary argument. I actually appreciate a good natured debate on a topic. But I am not going to entertain ANY conspiracy theories or opinions of whacked out internet trolls who think they are a subject matter expert because they know how to type into a google search bar.

Facts are, here in this realm, the work of people that have spent a large portion of their lives dedicated to learning, understanding and defending a subject matter. I don’t give two fucks if you spent a weekend searching it on the internet. If there is a person that has a PhD on a topic and their work has been peer reviewed, they win. Every time.

  • The earth is round
  • Jet engine exhaust is just that
  • The government doesn’t have a great weather machine
  • The moon landing is real

If you have problems with this, if you want to argue it, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. The world has given you tons of avenues to collaborate with the rest of your hoodie basement troll experts. Stay the fuck out of here.

Rant over…Enjoy!